Sunday, November 15, 2009

Site Analysis

In this sketch I want to show in orange where the sun is coming from throughout the day. I also the pedestrain circulation in green, the surrounding transportation is indicated in navy blue. The transportation circulation is purple. Finally the few view the site offers are indicated in light blue. The site also has a large slope indicated in red. I am going to incorporate the slope into my design. The lower part of the building will be the cafeteria which will be have sunken into the ground as shown in the brown. Least noisiest places will be towards the back of the building and the higher levels where I will like to place the classrooms and library. The site is surrounded by public transportation and people will be coming from several sides. The advantage is the site is a corner and I don't not want to limit the entrances. I want more the one entrance my next challenge will be to make figure out where my entrance will be and still be controlled.


  1. I think this is a great way to start to engage the building into the context. Your investigation looks to be on the right track to informing the interior moves as well. Had you started to look at how the interior program connects to the site? How the program and the required adjacencies fit within the shell? Maybe a quick [diagrammatic]section would help. Had you also considered making the upper surfaces of the building gardens or landscaped? This has alot of potential. Can't wait to see more.

  2. Also, Morphosis has quite a few projects that make sophisticated connections with the context, the way it looks like you are...alot of them are also sustainable. The specific project I'm thinking of is the Federal building in San Francisco. Or even their "recent" school design in LA. I believe it was in the last 5-7 yrs. I'll get back to you with the name of the project.
